Iced hibiscus tea
Nothing beats an healthy iced tea during the summers. Try this hibiscus iced tea also known as the Jamaican. My cousin bought me hibiscus tea bags from London during the summer. I loved the tea but have you ever tried drinking hot tea at 30 degrees Celsius outside sweating under the scorching sun? It's not the best experience so here's a fix... why not try it iced? Here's the recipe:
1 litre of water
4 hibiscus teabags
2 black tea teabags
1/2 cup of honey (depends on how sweet you prefer)
1/2 lime
A few mint leaves
A cinnamon stick
discard ingredients and serve with plenty of ice
refrigerate overnight or several hours until chilled
add lime, mint and cinnamon stick
remove the tea bags
Steep for 30 minutes (or longer)
Bring 4 cups of boiling water, add tea bags and stir in the honey